November's Letter Writing Invitation

In honor of the Thanksgiving season that is upon us and the 10% Happier interview (Ep 156) we listened to with Shawn Achor, we are fully embracing gratitude and believing that acknowledging and sharing our gratitude with others is the key to individual and communal happiness.

Letter Writing Invitation | Of Note Stationers | #currentinvitation

Kickstart your practice with the newest addition to the Of Note Family:

Sincerely, a quarterly care package for the wondering, vulnerable, wholehearted | Of Note Stationers

Each care package includes a collection of stationery that enables you to do what you do best, show up for the relationships in your life — appreciate them, support them, celebrate them. Our first collection invites you to re-connect through gratitude. Volume 1 includes:

8 letterpress printed cards

8 postage stamps

a guided exercise to inspire and support

a letter ledger

**exclusive Of Note Stationers rewards**