A New Years to Remember


A few years ago we added a little flourish to our New Year's eve dinner party. At the end of the meal we provided Of Note cards for our guests' use, to reflect on the previous year, the current moment, and their hopes for the new year. We provided postage stamps, had them address the notes to themselves, and let them know that we'd send the notes out to them in six months. Our guests loved this activity, so we thought we'd share it with you! 

Our Remember This set* includes 6 letterpress printed cards, postage stamps, and some directions to help you usher in 2018 in similar fashion:

  1. Gather your friends, light some candles, pour wine, and distribute the notes.

  2. Write a message to your future self. Address and stamp.

  3. Nominate one person to be in charge of sending the notes out to everyone in 6 months.

A New Years to Remember | Of Note Stationers
A New Year's to Remember | Of Note Stationers

*The set with with postage stamps is no longer available, but you can still get Remember This. If you email us, ofnotestationers@gmail.com, we’d be happy to share the directions as well.

Until the next note, 

Kate and Isabel